Wissenschaftslabor in Klasse 4
Unsere Viertklässler hatten herausragenden Besuch: Das Wissenschaftslabor der Leibniz Universität. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler haben verschiedenste Texte auf Englisch über den Besuch des Labors bei uns an die Univeristät geschrieben. Hier ist ein Text:
Science in Year 4
Two students who study physics at the Leibniz University came to visit us on Friday, 26th September. Their names were Simon and Sebastian. They showed us the smallest and biggest things scientists experiment with. We learned about atoms and the even smaller quarks inside and we learned about the universe. We found out about DNA and how we are all different. Simon told us about famous scientists from different areas of Science, biologists, physicists, chemists and more. Simon also brought some liquid nitrogen to show us what would happen if astronauts had no protective suit – it is too cold in space, even colder than the liquid nitrogen, which was 200 degrees cold! Simon dunked a rose into the nitrogen and the petals froze immediately! Simon hit one of us on the head with the frozen flower – all the petals fell off! He also dropped a biscuit into the liquid nitrogen and ate it – he had to eat really fast, otherwise his tongue would have frozen! Steam came out of his nose and mouth!
After all these interesting facts we finally were able to do some experiments of our own. We experimented with light and completed several tasks which were really cool. Simon also made a piece of cotton wool float over some magnets, which was really awesome! We also learned about black holes and supernovas. Finally, Simon and Sebastian explained to us what their project at university was: they are listening to the universe; there are three satellites which fire lasers at each other and record movements in space.
All in all, it was very cool, interesting and fun! Thank you, Leibniz University for making this possible!
Yours sincerely,
Class 4C at Kämmer International Bilingual School